Wednesday, March 20, 2019

AM-60min-Decipher code and connecting pins

March 20, 2019
Next Steps:

  • Figure out what the code does
  • Get the program to recognize the controller signals
  • Map out the buttons

What We Did Today:
Today we opened up the Arduino code that we found last time. We had troubles getting the code to work because we needed to download the library for it. After a little while fussing with downloading the code, we tried compiling the code again and got it to work. We then connected the pins up according to what the code said. There is data (DAT), command (CMD), clock (CLK), and another pin called SEL. When we connected up the pins to the controller, we got the controller to light up. From the serial monitor, it read "Distance: 0." Since we did not have enough time to figure out what was going on we will read through it next time.

This is the code we used and we had to download the library.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

AM-30min-Discussing Future Tasks

March 13, 2019
Next Steps:
  • Find and figure out what the Arduino PS2 controller code from the website does
  • Test the code on one of our Arduinos
  • If the C++ code works, convert it to Python 

What We Did Today:
This is a diagram that shows what each pin does on your wireless controller.¹
  • Nic went through resources we collected to find the controller program he found
  • Amy and Benny went through the Interfacing PS2 Wireless Controller With Arduino website with Mr. Burnham  and discussed possible next steps
  • Since the code was for Arduino, Mr. Burnham proposed running the code on Arduino to check if it work, then convert the code to Python
