Break through! Today, we made large strides in our Robo Car project. For one, we got the code to recognize the PS2 wireless controller. The issue last time may have stemmed from the disconnecting wires. This was easily solved with some electrical tape. Once we pressed all the buttons to make sure the code recognized them all, we began adding some servo code to it. Since we didn't remember all the servo code for Arduino, we refreshed our knowledge with the GitHub servo code for Arduino. We first tried to connect up the servo through the servo motor driver. However, none of us could remember how to connect it up to the Arduino, so we simply connected the servo directly to the Arduino. We will figure out how to connect up the servo motor driver to the Arduino later on. Since we only had one servo to test with the code, we wrote in that the servo would move to position 100 when the left button was pushed and to position 30 when the right button was pushed. We got servo to move!!! During the build, the PS2 wireless controller died. Since we replaced the batteries last time, we realized that we were leaving the controller on for an extended period of time. In turn, we started to turn off the controller when we did not need to use it to get output data.
Next time:
- Connecting Arduino up to Donkey Car
- Connect up the servo motor driver so we can have more servos connected
- Connect up Arduino to Donkey Car motors
- Research about integrating code with Donkey Car
- Convert C++ to Python?
- Design and 3D print camera mount
- Controlling Donkey Car with the PS2 controller
#include <PS2X_lib.h> //for v1.6
#include <Servo.h>
Servo sampleServo;
PS2X ps2x; // create PS2 Controller Class
//right now, the library does NOT support hot pluggable controllers, meaning
//you must always either restart your Arduino after you conect the controller,
//or call config_gamepad(pins) again after connecting the controller.
int error = 0;
byte type = 0;
byte vibrate = 0;
void setup(){
error = ps2x.config_gamepad(13,11,10,12, true, true); //setup pins 12 brown, 11 red, 10 green, 13 blue
if(error == 0){
Serial.println("Found Controller, configured successful");
Serial.println("Try out all the buttons, X will vibrate the controller, faster as you press harder;");
Serial.println("holding L1 or R1 will print out the analog stick values.");
Serial.println("Go to for updates and to report bugs.");
else if(error == 1)
Serial.println("No controller found, check wiring, see readme.txt to enable debug. visit for troubleshooting tips");
else if(error == 2)
Serial.println("Controller found but not accepting commands. see readme.txt to enable debug. Visit for troubleshooting tips");
else if(error == 3)
Serial.println("Controller refusing to enter Pressures mode, may not support it. ");
//Serial.print(ps2x.Analog(1), HEX);
type = ps2x.readType();
switch(type) {
case 0:
Serial.println("Unknown Controller type");
case 1:
Serial.println("DualShock Controller Found");
case 2:
Serial.println("GuitarHero Controller Found");
void loop(){
/* You must Read Gamepad to get new values
Read GamePad and set vibration values
ps2x.read_gamepad(small motor on/off, larger motor strenght from 0-255)
if you don't enable the rumble, use ps2x.read_gamepad(); with no values
you should call this at least once a second
if(error == 1) //skip loop if no controller found
if(type == 2){ //Guitar Hero Controller
ps2x.read_gamepad(); //read controller
Serial.println("Green Fret Pressed");
Serial.println("Red Fret Pressed");
Serial.println("Yellow Fret Pressed");
Serial.println("Blue Fret Pressed");
Serial.println("Orange Fret Pressed");
Serial.println("Star Power Command");
if(ps2x.Button(UP_STRUM)) //will be TRUE as long as button is pressed
Serial.println("Up Strum");
Serial.println("DOWN Strum");
if(ps2x.Button(PSB_START)) //will be TRUE as long as button is pressed
Serial.println("Start is being held");
Serial.println("Select is being held");
if(ps2x.Button(ORANGE_FRET)) // print stick value IF TRUE
Serial.print("Wammy Bar Position:");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(WHAMMY_BAR), DEC);
else { //DualShock Controller
ps2x.read_gamepad(false, vibrate); //read controller and set large motor to spin at 'vibrate' speed
if(ps2x.Button(PSB_START)) //will be TRUE as long as button is pressed
Serial.println("Start is being held");
Serial.println("Select is being held");
if(ps2x.Button(PSB_PAD_UP)) { //will be TRUE as long as button is pressed
Serial.print("Up held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_UP), DEC);
Serial.print("Right held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_RIGHT), DEC);
Serial.print("LEFT held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_LEFT), DEC);
Serial.print("DOWN held this hard: ");
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSAB_PAD_DOWN), DEC);
vibrate = ps2x.Analog(PSAB_BLUE); //this will set the large motor vibrate speed based on
//how hard you press the blue (X) button
if (ps2x.NewButtonState()) //will be TRUE if any button changes state (on to off, or off to on)
Serial.println("L3 pressed");
Serial.println("R3 pressed");
Serial.println("L2 pressed");
Serial.println("R2 pressed");
Serial.println("Triangle pressed");
if(ps2x.ButtonPressed(PSB_RED)) //will be TRUE if button was JUST pressed
Serial.println("Circle just pressed");
if(ps2x.ButtonReleased(PSB_PINK)) //will be TRUE if button was JUST released
Serial.println("Square just released");
if(ps2x.NewButtonState(PSB_BLUE)) //will be TRUE if button was JUST pressed OR released
Serial.println("X just changed");
if(ps2x.Button(PSB_L1) || ps2x.Button(PSB_R1)) // print stick values if either is TRUE
Serial.print("Stick Values:");
Serial.print(ps2x.Analog(PSS_LY), DEC); //Left stick, Y axis. Other options: LX, RY, RX
Serial.print(ps2x.Analog(PSS_LX), DEC);
Serial.print(ps2x.Analog(PSS_RY), DEC);
Serial.println(ps2x.Analog(PSS_RX), DEC);
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